What This Blog Is All About

Welcome to Idea BOX
Here you will find all sorts of Ideas for Mormons or Anyone.
You will find stuff for YSA, Dances , YMYW, Girls Camp,RS, Hand Outs, Crafts, etc.
So Please have fun and explore the Idea BOX.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Temple Time Capsule

Make this with YW or YSA RS


-Tin Can washed ( food storage cans are great for this)
-Pictures of temples
-Nice markers
-White Fabric
-Talk from Prophet or other General Authority about purity and temple marriage

To Do

-Have girls decorate cans with pictures of the temple and name etc

-Have them Write on top of can "Do Not Open Until Wedding Day"

-Have everyone Write letters to self -- Write letters to future husband

-Put in a printed talk about temple marriage.

-Help girls sew a temple recommend holder

Put all items in can


-Have girls wear white and do a photo shoot and then put pictures in frame and add a quote about the temple. Have these outside the box to remind the girls to keep pure to go to the temple.

-Add pearl jewelry or other jewelry to the time capsule for girls to wear on their wedding day

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Temple Marriage Lesson Night

-Have people bring snacks

-Have 5-7 married (for 2 or more years) couples bring pictures of the Temple.

-Have each couple tell how the met and the proposal story

-Have a question panel - (a week before the activity have people write down questions and put them in a box. Then at activity have couples pick out questions and answer-- Make sure you approve that they are appropriate.)

-Teach about how to prepare to be worthy to Enter the Temple

-Talk about how to be happy by saving yourself for your spouse. The best wedding gift you can give is a pure or repented self.


- For a great handout get pass along cards with pictures of the temple

-- Have the couples go home and then have people write personal letters one to themselves and one to their future spouse. Put in envelopes and write "Do Not Open Until Wedding Day"

Prayer Pillow

Either sew or provide pillowcases ( You can find some at a dollarstore dont spend too much $) 

-Have people paint with fabric paint "PRAYER"on their pillow. 

-Have them add a Scripture about Prayer 

-Add Name on inside. 

Let dry at next activity have a lesson on the importance of Prayer and then have people collect their now dry pillow cases. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Music Video

-Make a music OR Other  video

-Get together and choose a song and make a story and an outline for the video

-Shoot the scenes

-Then have someone edit it

-Then come together for another activity with snacks and watch the video on a projector screen.


--If you have a big group split into groups and make multiple videos then do a Film Festival and bring in "Judges" and have prices for Videos

--Best edit
-- Best Song
--Best Overall etc

-At the festival have people bring fave snacks or desserts
-Provide paper products and drinks

Be A Tourist in your Own City

Take A Tour In Your Home Town 

-Get a coupon book or travel broucher for your own city. 

-Pretend you are a tourist and discover new fun things to do all in your own town or city. 

-If you live in a really small town go to the city next to you. 


For some silly fun dress like tacky tourist and have throw away cameras :)
 (for extra challenge fake an accent) 

Spiritual Hike

-Ask people to bring their scriptures and a Sack Lunch

-Go hiking together.

-Have cooler full of peoples sack lunches.

-Once you get to a nice spot have a song , prayer and short lesson.

-Then have people go off to read their scriptures and pray privately for 30min

-Then come back together and have a quiet lunch and more Hymns

-Keep the feeling of the Spirit and truly feel the beauty of the Earth Heavenly Father Created for us.

Candle Night

-Have people bring snacks and or drinks 

-Make candles together and either keep them to add to your emergency kit or give them to Homeless Shelter or As Christmas Gifts 
( go to CANDLE MAKING  for help ) 

--Watch the show Candle Shoe (nothing about candles but its a fun old movie) Or any other movie while you wait for the candles to dry 

Fast Food Progressive Dinner

Get together and have a progressive Fast Food Dinner 

Go to a different fast food place for each of the following 

-Large Drinks

-Snack (nachos or onion rings etc) 

-Main dish (burger and fries or chicken sandwich etc) 



If this is a group date switch dates at each restaurant so each people can get to know each other 

Spa Slumber Party


-Have girls bring their pjs, and a cute outfit and some fun snacks 

-Do before and after pictures 

--Get all "gross" -Crazy hair, fake unibrows, crazy glasses and take "before" pictures 

--Then Get all beautiful do spa stuff , manicure and mask
 (if anyone wants do eye brow waxing) 
then do hair and make up. Have girls bring really cute outfits and do an "after" Photo Shoot. 

-Then wash off make up and get into pjs and take funny pj pictures

-Get snacks out and eat them while you watch a fun chick flick together 

Spiritual Spa


-Have a spa for Body and Soul 

-Have lessons on 
-- Hair 
-- Make up 
-- Body types and Cute Modest Clothes 
-- Being kind 
-- Who you truly are "Daughter of God"
-- You are beautiful 
-- Each person is individual and has talents that will bless peoples life's 

Read and use this quote for a Hand out 
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; For Beautiful lips, speak only words of Kindness; and for poise , walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." Audrey Hepburn

Add a small make up kit with eye-shadow, lip-gloss, fancy soap, bubble bath, travel size body lotion, a loofah, nail file, glittery nail polish and small wrapped chocolates.


-For extra fun do manicures, masks, Hair and Make up 

FOR Some silly fun do before and after pictures 
--Get all "gross" -Crazy hair, fake unibrows, crazy glasses and take "before" pictures 

--Then Get all beautiful do spa stuff , manicure and mask (if anyone wants do eye brow waxing) 

then do hair and make up. Have girls bring really cute outfits and do an "after" Photo Shoot. 

Christmas Lights and Cocoa

Have fun with Christmas 

-Go somewhere in your City that has beautiful Christmas Lights 

-Then get some hot Cocoa from a Cafe 

-Or Go to someones house and make your own Hot Cocoa  


-For extra fun go to someones house and make cookies together and watch a Christmas movie

-You could also make cookies and Go Christmas Caroling and deliver the cookies together. 

"Life" Our Time on Stage (Girls Camp)

Theme: "Life": Our time on stage 

Level themes
-Have leaders pick characters or titles from broadway shows for each level 


--Use this quote to start out 
"From the limited perspective of those who do not have knowledge, understanding, or faith in the Father’s plan—who look at the world only through the lens of mortality with its wars, violence, disease, and evil—this life can seem depressing, chaotic, unfair, and meaningless. Church leaders have compared this perspective with someone walking into the middle of a three-act play.3 Those without knowledge of the Father’s plan do not understand what happened in the first act, or the 
pre-mortal existence, and the purposes established there; nor do they understand the clarification and resolution that come in the third act, which is the glorious fulfillment of the Father’s plan."

The Songs they could not sing Quentin L Cook 

-Who is your audience
--everyone is watching
--who is cheering you on (Friends,other church members) 
-- Who is supporting you from the wings 
(Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Parents and Teachers. ) 

--Carrying the banner
--We carry our values
---- Craft make a Banner that has all the Value Colors 

Standing for 
Integrity and 
Kindness for 

Stand for
Truth and 
In company of 
Kindred or
(Be true at all times ) 

"Wicked"Ness Never was happiness
--How to be truly happy 
-- Find support in friends
-- Changed for good

"Into the woods "
--Have to face challenges 
--Stay on the path 
--"Excited and scared" (Sins might look exciting but they will always leave you sad) 

"Pride and Prejudice" 
-- How to not be prideful or judgmental 

"Fiddler on The Roof"
-- Tradition ! - What in the gospel never changes ?
-- Do family history work. 

"Mary Poppins"
--Spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down 
(Find blessings during trials) 

--"Love to laugh"- What brings joy into your life 

"Guys and Dolls"
--Sit Down your Rocking the Boat!" ( Keep the standards don't rock the boat) 

** Auditions 
-Our auditions were in the premortal. we proved ourselves worthy to "Act" in "Life" because we chose Heavenly Fathers Plan 

-- We do not live on a broad way we need to follow the Straight and Narrow 

** Talent
- We each are given wonderful individual talents. The Play "Life" needs each of these 

**Act your part 
-You are a daughter of God Act well, Give "Life" all you have act  YOUR   part ! 

--People in "Audience" might throw "Rotten Tomatoes" (insults etc) at you for being righteous. Just ignore it and go on with "Life" 

** The Spot Light 
--You have a light on you the "Light of Christ". Act well and let it shine! 


* Name in lights 
Items needed (One for each girl) 
-White computer paper
-Black Construction paper 
-sewing pin
-Small light 
-Small Frame 

-Have girls write names in All Caps on the white paper 
-Then tape on to construction paper
-Then poke small holes into the paper with the sewing pin following the letters 
-Take white paper off the black paper 
-Put the black paper into the frame
-Put the small light behind the frame 

*Head shots 
-Have wards take pictures of Head shots of the girls print them in black and white 
-Have girls decorate frames to put the head shots in 

*Play bill Journal 
-Items needed 
--3 subject note books 
--Other scrapbook tools to make book fun 

-Title on cover  "Life": Our time On Stage
-(Divider 1) Act I- Premortal life -- Scripture quotes / Spiritual Experiences
-(divider 2) Act II - Present - Journal every day journal 
-(Divider 3) Act III - Future- Goals and wishes you see for your future 


Play some fun acting games 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Scripture Bags

-Have people bring their own fabric and ribbon 

-Bring a scripture bag pattern 

-Have some people let you borrow their sewing machines 

-Have fun making your own personal scripture bag 

-Listen to music while you sew 

-Have people bring their favorite snacks 

-You can pass this off as a Personal Progress experience. 

Here is a link for a how to make a scripture bag


Camp Blankets

Have fun making tie blankets together to take to Girls Camp 

You can also make pillows together. 

Use some fun fabric that matches the Camp Theme. 

While you make the tie blankets watch a movie together. 

Have people donate snacks for extra fun after you make the pillows and blankets. 

Write name and year on blanket for a fun keep sake. 

Have fun cuddling up at camp with a blanket you made yourself.

Here is a link for a how to for Fleece Tie Blankets

Birthday Bags (Or other Holiday bags)

Have people donate the following items to make Birthday bags for unfortunate kids or teachers for their class (Primary) 

--Buy all items from dollar store 
-Little bags
-Small Candy 
-Small toys 
-Glow sticks
-small candles 

- Place one of each item above into a bag and then tie it with a ribbon and tie the card to it.
 (Blue Ribbon is gift for guy, Pink Ribbon is gift for girl) When the teacher gives the gift have them write the name on the card. 

Watch a movie while you make the fun birthday bags 

You could change the items and do this for any holiday. 

Story CDs

Do this to give to Hospital 

- Have people record short stories on a Record-able CD and then donate the story CDs to a Hospital. 

-You could also give them to a Teacher for his or her class room. 

Appreciate Blessings Night

Learn about different Handicaps and to appreciate your abilities

-Do a wheel chair obstacle course or Race

-Have a blind fold obstacle course

-Have a crutches race


Realize all the blessings you have and the Wonderful gift your body is.

Mirror "Beauty with In"

Craft Night 

-Have a lesson about true beauty inside. 

-- Then decorate Small mirrors with uplifting quotes. 

Faith VS Fear ( Fear Factor)

Faith can not exist with fear. Have a Fear Factor night. 

Faith Factor

To get started, quote D&C 38:30 which says, “…if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.”

Read the following instructions:

“We are going to play Faith Factor tonight and for those of you who are “prepared” by having some gospel knowledge and knowing how to use the scriptures to look for information, “ye shall not fear”.  But for those of you lacking and slacking in spiritual preparation, ye might have a little fear tonight.

“You have been divided into teams.  Each team has an official spokesperson.  I will ask a question - - you may discuss the answer among yourselves and as soon as you have an answer send your spokesman up to ring this bell and answer.  The first team to correctly answer the question receives 10 points.  The other teams will then have to compete in a challenge.  I will read the challenge and they will quickly send forward the people who will participate.  Some challenges require one person, some more than one person.  Your team may send who they choose, but everyone on the team should participate in at least one challenge at some point.  Don’t keep sending the same person time after time.  The team who wins the challenge is awarded five points and the team who loses the challenge gets 0 points.”

Faith Factor Questions:

1.  Name the three members of the General Presidency of the Church. (Thomas S Monson, Henery B Eyering, Dieter F Ucthdorf) 

2.  Where is the doctrine known as “The Word of Wisdom” found in the scriptures? (Doctrine and Covenants Section 89)

3.  Recite the Scout Oath. (On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.)

4.  According to the “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet, what are two things you should avoid on Sunday? (seeking entertainment, spending money)

5.  Who found a “round ball of curious workmanship” AND how many spindles did it have? (Lehi; 2) hint if they get stuck - - 1 Nephi chapter 16

6.  What are the three offices of the Aaronic Priesthood that Young Men can hold? (deacon, teacher, priest)

7.  Recite the YW theme. (We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him.  We will stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places as we strive to live the Young Women values, which are:  Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works and Integrity.  We believe as we come to accept and act upon these values, we will be prepared to strengthen home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.)

8.  Who was the third latter-day prophet? (John Taylor)

9.  Find the two scripture references that promise us the “windows of heaven” will be open to us when we pay our tithing and fill the Lord’s “storehouse”. (Old Testament:  Malachi 3:10      Book of Mormon:  3 Nephi 24:10)

10.  In the “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet, what 3 things are we told are necessary for a strong body? (nutritious meals, regular exercise, appropriate sleep) 

11.  List the 7 YW values and the color that represents each.
Faith - -White
Divine Nature - - Blue
Individual Worth - - Red
Choice & Accountability - - Orange
Knowledge - - Green
Good Works - - Yellow
Integrity - - Purple
         Virtue - - Gold 

 12.  Recite the sacrament prayer for the bread that was written down by Moroni. (O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.   Moroni 4:3)

13.  Recite the 8th Article of Faith. (We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.)

14.  What year was Joseph Smith, Jr. born? (1805) - - Hint if they are stuck – we just celebrated the 200th anniversary of his birth

15.  What two things are we told to “learn in our youth” in Alma 37:35? (1 – wisdom, 2 – to keep the commandments of God)

16.  Where in the book of Matthew is the account of the Savior administering the sacrament to his apostles AND what is this event commonly called? (Matthew 26: 26-28 - - - - The Last Supper)

17.  What year was the Baton Rouge Temple dedicated AND who offered the dedicatory prayer? (2000 - - - President Gordon B. Hinckley)

18.  How many years did it take to construct the Salt Lake Temple? (40 years)

19.  Name 5 of Lehi’s children. (Nephi, Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Joseph, Jacob)

20.  In what book is found the story of the Brother of Jared seeing and speaking with the Lord? (Ether)

Tie Breaker if needed:
What was the date of the dedication of the Kirtland Temple? (March 27, 1836)

Faith Factor Challenge Ideas 

Do some or all of the following Challenge Ideas 

*  Each team will be given one basketball and will select one player to shoot and one player to help rebound.  Each team will send their two people to either goal to shoot from anywhere on their half of the court.  The team who scores the most goals in 2 minutes will win the challenge.

* Each team will select one representative to the table to eat a whip cream pie.  The player must keep his hands behind his back the entire time.  The first player to eat his entire whip cream pie will win the challenge.

*  Each team will select one person to tie a man’s tie correctly.  That person may choose to tie it on them self or select a person on which to tie it.  The first person to finish correctly tying the tie (must be ok’d by a judge - the tie must have an appropriate size knot and both ends must be the right length) will win the challenge. 

*.  Each team will send one person with a hymnbook.  They will be given three gumballs to chew and as soon as they are able after getting the gum into their mouth, must sing the first verse of “Called to Serve” - - the words must be able to be understood.  The first to finish singing the verse will win the challenge.

* Each team must select one member to run down to one of the sleeping bags and while in the bag, place on over their clothing every item of clothing that is in the bottom of the sleeping bag.  The first person to get out of the bag while wearing all of the items will win the challenge.

* Each team will send one member to eat an entire jar of baby food.  A spoon will be provided.  The first person to eat all of the food in the jar and get the approval of the judge will win the challenge.

* Each team will send two members to the basketball court.  One of them, the shooter, will be blindfolded and placed on the center of the free throw line and the other will stand near the goal to be the rebounder.  The shooter will try to make a goal from the free throw line while blindfolded.  Anytime they miss, their rebounder should hustle and get the ball and hand it back to them.  The first team to make a free throw will win the challenge.

* Each team will send one member to the gym floor to jump rope.  The first person who can jump 50 times without a mess-up will win the challenge.  If they do mess up, they start the counting over again at 1 (each person should have a judge stand next to them and make the “official” count).

*  Each team will send one team member to the table where there will be a large bowl full of dirt (Oreos) and worms (gummy worms).  The player will be blindfolded and must keep their hands behind their back.  The person must use only their mouth and face to “dig” for worms.  They must dig out the green colored worm to win.  When they get a worm in their mouth, they need to show it to their team to see what color it is.  The team will shout out that it is either red in which case they will have to eat it and dig in again until they find the green or green in which case they will eat and swallow it and stick out their tongue to show the judge that they are done).  There is only one green worm in each bowl.  The first team to find the green worm and swallow it will win the challenge.

*  Each team will send one member to the table where there will be two bowls - - one full of gummy bugs and the other empty.  Using only their mouth, the person must get all of the bugs out of the first bowl and into the empty one.  All bugs must make it into the second bowl.  The first player to transfer all of his bugs into the empty bowl will win the challenge.

*  Each team will send one player to the basketball court to dribble a basketball from one end of the court to the other.  They will start at one base line and have to dribble their ball all the way to the other baseline.  The basketballs they will use, however are the size of super balls.  The first person to cross over the end baseline and have their ball in their hand will win the challenge.

* Each team will send one member to the table where they will be blindfolded.  Five bowls containing food items will be placed on the table.  The person will have to identify the food items by smell, touch and/or taste.  The first person to correctly identify 4 of the 5 items will win the challenge.

* Each team will send one member to the containers of balloons.  The person must move all of the balloons from one container to the empty container.  If one of the balloons doesn’t fall into the container, they must go after it and get it into the container.  The only way they may lift the balloons, is by putting a straw into their mouth and putting the other end to the balloon and using suction to lift and move it.  The first person to get all of the balloons into the other container will win the challenge.

*  Each team will send two members to the gym floor.  One member will have to carry the other from one base line to the other.  They will then have to switch and carry the other person back to the other end.  The first team to cross the line at the other end will win the challenge.  (Teams can select how they will carry - -either in front like a scoop or piggy back.)

* Each team will select two members to come to the table.  Each team will be given a can of alphabet soup, one paper plate, two spoons and two bowls.  The team will have to pick out letters to spell a gospel word that is at least five letters long (such as faith, gospel, prayer, Bible, etc.).  They may use the spoons and bowls however they wish to help them find the letters.  The first to correctly spell a gospel related word on the plate and show it to their judge will win the challenge.

Mystery Dinner

-Have fun setting up a menu with funny names for food. 

-Set up tables with fun crazy colors for decorations 

-Give each person a Mystery Menu and have them order.
-Then bring out their meals. 

Have fun with all the surprised faces. 

For EXTRA FUN Do this during halloween and have gross haunting names for food 

Fingers-- Hot dogs , Worms in blood= Spaghetti etc 

Gender Battle

Have a "Girl vs Guys" Game Night 

Have games of guys against girls


If available play the board game "Battle of the sexes"

Guys VS Girls Night LDS

Have a "Battle of The Sexes"

Have games of guys against girls


Then have a guy ask girl and girl ask guy question-are.

 Or a Girls tell guys what they like and dislike
(We like when you are worthy to hold the priesthood we hate it when your pants are too low etc)

Guys tell girls what they like and dislike.
(We like it when you are modest, we hate it when you gossip etc)

If available play the board game "Battle of the sexes"


-Listen to the talk by Curtis Jacobs "What Guys wish Girls Knew and Visa Versa"

New Born Kits

Come together and make new born kits together. Ask people to donate the following items. Then when finished making donate them to a shelter or to someone who can take them to another country. 

New Born Kits

Use Canvas  bags to put the following items in. 

Contents (NEW items only, size 3-9 months)

  • 2 gowns/sleepers (flannel or similar warm, soft material)

  • 2 undershirts/onesies (short or long sleeves)

  • 4 cloth diapers (flat-fold preferred)

  • 1 receiving blanket (lightweight fleece or flannel; minimum 36 in)

  • 6 safety pins(2 in)

  • 2 large bar mild soap(leave in wrapper) or travel size baby wash

  • 3 pair of socks

  • 1 cap


When you make the kits watch a movie then after kits are finished. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

"The Social Network" Dance


-App Icons
-Old FB pictures ( kid pictures of leaders) to play a guess who game
-Fun colors
-FB Photo Booth
 (Make a poster with Empty spot for people to faces and a white board poster for people to write statuses) 


-Fun Finger Foods
-If you do this on a Holiday have theme candy '


- Colors to represent relationship status
--Red-- In A Relationship 
--White--Its Complicated
--Green or FB Blue-- Single and ready to mingle
-- Black-- Mission bound or Just cruising don't want a relationship right now 

Friday, October 19, 2012

"Life is A Highway" Dance

* Decorations 

- Anything with the Pixar Movie "Cars" or "Cars 2"
- Speed Limit ZERO sign "No one is taking it too fast"
- Funny map posters 
- Stop signs and other signs with different quotes
- Anything red yellow or green
- Make a road on the floor, with lines and dashes 


-Fast food
-Rocky Road Ice Cream

-"Cups of Road"
--chocolate pudding
--with crushed chocolate Oreos
--Chocolate chips
--yellow sprinkles
--and cars gummies

-Snacks with Highway names
-Sandwiches cut in shape of cars (use cookie cutters)
- Road trip snacks - trail mix, Twizzlers etc


Casual wear shirt to match your status 

-Red - Stop I'm Taken

-Yellow- Its Complicated (kinda talking to someone but I'm open for new things) 

-Green- Go I am single and ready to mingle 

-Black- Just cruising down the Highway not looking for anyone at this time 


-Make up a line dance to the song "Life is A Highway" and teach it at the dance 

- Also if possible get the sound tracks for Pixar Cars and Cars 2 and other racing movies Herbie etc 

James Bond Dance

* Decorations 

- Black and white
- Old James bond posters
- Fake gadgets 

* Food 

- British food
- Funny food names 


- Black and white semi formal 


- Have leaders open the dance with the Bond theme song and a Mission
 "Have fun, respect rules and end at 11pm etc " then ask ,"Do you accept this mission?" and Have everyone shout YEAH! and then start the dance. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Candy Handouts

Hand outs for Big Hunk bar

"Be 16 before you date the BIG HUNK will have to wait." (For fun add a #16 candle) 

"Take that  BIG HUNK  to The Temple because Families Can Be Together Forever" 
( Add a fun temple pass along card) 


"Just POPPING by to say 'YOU ROCK' !"

DOTS (acronyms for this candy ) 



Deliver to

Visiting Teaching Package
--Take 5
--Pop rocks or blow pop
--Play phone
--Visiting teachers phone #s
--Conference address or other church magazine article

"We wanted to TAKE 5 min to send you a message. Please CALL US to let us know when we can POP by for a visit. You can CALL US anytime you need anything.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pill Handouts

Use old pill bottles and fill them with candy then make labels and glue them to the bottle. 


Youth or YSA or YW ( use who it will be for) 
New and
Old but lasting


Live the gospel fully
  or Listen intently, Love their enemies, Learn with the spirit etc you can do anything that starts with L


*Cures Narcissism and calms boasting mouth

*Dosage- Take one daily, More effective if followed by service to the Lord and humility.

*Side effects include
-Putting down mirror
-Listening to others
-Service done often and in silence
-A change of heart
-A lasting smile  

Dating Game Night

For Age 16 and Up Only :) 

Play a lot of fun dating games. Switch partners through out the date. (For fun have a blue bowl full of guy names and a red bowl full of girl names. Before each challenge or game pick the girl name and boy name. They are partners but only for that challenge or game. This makes it able to have everyone meet everyone and get to know them) 

** Make sure everyone has comfortable clothes and shoes for running around. NO Skirts. 

**For extra fun have a 2 candy bars or small prizes for each game to give to the winner. 


*Balloon obstacle course
--set up a obstacle course 
--Couples hold a balloon between them with their hands behind their back 
--They then go through the course. If they drop the balloon they have to redo that obstacle. 
--Use a stopwatch to time each team
--At end what ever team has the shortest time wins. 

*Licorice Lady and The Tramp Spaghetti game (need rope licorice or other long candy) 
-- FOR 18 yrs old and Up ONLY -- (Younger people can play this game by racing with no partner)
-- Each couple has one licorice. 
---They put one end into their mouth 
---then their hands behind their back. 
---They have to chew to the middle without touching the licorice with their hands. 
 (Just like in Lady and the tramp when they eat one spaghetti strand.) 
--The couple who reaches the middle first wins 

-Same as the good old fashioned twister 

*Couples relay race 
-Race challenges who ever finishes them all first wins 
-3 legged race 
(Tie all couples at starting line.  At finish line of challenge have them untie each others feet) 

--Girls on guys back 
(real piggy back ride or hold his shoulders and run depending on how strong the guy is)

- Guys wheel barrow 
(Girls hold guys feet and the guys run on their hands) 

-Shoulder crab race 
(Face partner and hold their shoulders and run side ways like a crab) 

-Partner Dance run 
(Hold each other like doing a slow dance, Dance to the end line) 

-Newly wed race 
(Guys pick up girl like they are crossing the threshold or hook arms and skip depending on how strong the guy is) ( Race to the finish line) 

*4  switch game (works better with large group but still fun with 6 people) 
- Three poses  
-- Monkey on back ( Piggy back or girl hugs his shoulders from the back if the guy has a bad back) 
-- Bird on a perch (Guy kneels and girl sits on his knee) 
--Power hungry (One person lays on tummy and other pretends to put their foot on them) 
-- Newly wed ( Guy holds girl in arms like newly wed, or big hug if guy is not strong enough) 

--- One couple is the Caller
---Music plays and then they stop it and call a pose 
--- The couples playing must hurry and get into that pose. Who ever is last losses or is out. 
--- Continue until one couple is left. Then to play again switch partners and winning couple becomes the caller. 


--You can play all games above and these when you have a big group.
 ( 8 or more of each gender you need at least 16 people total to play these games) 

*Kissing rugby 
-- this is a fun and can be brutal games
--If you have never seen it played you can look it up on YouTube 
--Here are the rules
--- No kissing lips only the face- Cheek or forehead(this is for safety don't want broken teeth) 
---can not put head down to avoid kiss can only move it side to side and up. (modesty and safety reason) 
--- No grabbing front of shirts (Modesty reason) 

--How to play 
--- Assign the girls letters and the guys #s. Make sure you have a list for both. If you have more than 26 girls assign shapes or colors but make sure you write them on your list. 

--- A person sits in the middle on a chair 
--- Then a # and letter or color/shape is called 

--If a girl is in the chair the guy running has to kiss the girl in the chair before the girl running kisses him. 

--If a guy is in the chair the girl running has to kiss him before the guy running kisses her. 

--What ever gender is kissed has to go in the middle and the other gender gets a point. 

-- So if a girl kisses the guy then the girls get the point. And the guy is now in the middle. 

--If a guy kisses the girl then the guys get the point, and the girl has to now be in the middle.

--Watching the YouTube video will help you understand. 

-Life Saver Game
-- Items needed 
---Tooth Pick 
---Life savers
** Instructions 
--Line people up boy girl pattern 
-- Each person gets a tooth pick to put in their mouth. 
--Then put hands behind back
--Give each team one life saver 
--Have to pass the life saver from one tooth pick to the next with out touching it.the team to get it to the last person first wins. (Extra challenge have the life saver have to come back to the first person) 

-Musical Guys
-- Just like musical chairs
--Except the guys are the chairs, they kneel on one knee in a big circle. 
--When the music stops the girls have to sit on his knee
-- For 18 and up extra challenge that when the girl sits on the guys knee she has to kiss him on the cheek. 

-Guess Who (For 18 and up) 
--One gender is blind folded 
--The other gender whispers into the ear "Guess who" in a weird voice
--They then kiss the blindfolded person, on cheek, lips or forehead
--Then take off blindfolds and they have to guess who kissed them with the kissers lined up in a line. (Make sure you're not standing in-front of the person you kissed cause that's too obvious) 

-Face guess
--One person is blind folded
-- and then a person goes up to them and says "who am I?" in a weird voice. 
-- The blindfolded person has to feel the speakers face to try and guess who they are. 

-Dance Party 
-- If you have a really big group have a dance after all the games. 

Have a fun time :) 

For extra fun have people bring their favorite snacks. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Team Night

Play different games that must use all team mates to do.

-Obstacle course
-Relay Race
-Blind maze (some blindfolded team mates- other team mates are guides)
-Make dessert each person in team has 1 or 2 ingredients -- Can't make correct dessert without all the ingredients and working together to make it.

Have fun learning strategies to complete each task . Learn importance of each person. Find that each person has a strength.

At end of game night have fun snacks. or if you did dessert challenge eat the desserts.

Dice Game Night

There are a lot of fun games that include dice.

Here are some Math Games to do with giant dice to help kids get excited about math.

--You can even make giant dice with throw away coolers or taped boxes.

Can be one player or have two kids or teams compete to get the answer

( For teams if they answer correctly they receive a  point if they answer incorrectly the other team can answer it)

-- Roll both dices and have kids add it.

--Have an alligator symbol or for extra fun a toy alligator
--Roll both dice have the child put the toy or symbol on the dice that has more

--Roll both dice have the children subtract the small number from the big number. (k-3 grades)
--same have them answer both ways adding the negative symbol (3-5)

-- Roll both dice and multiply

-- Roll both dice divide big number first (2-3)
-- same but have them do both sides (4-5)

*Middle and Highschool

--Have 4 or 6 # dice
-- Have symbol dice
-- Roll all and set up an equation and solve

*EXTRA after math games
-play a fun dice game -- monopoly, sorry, etc
-Have activities to do written on slips of paper in a list roll # and choose the activity that matches the number -- Young kids it can be do jumping jacks, touch your toes, get a piece of candy.
For teens, get snacks, play wii, ipod music, etc

Garden Party

Make sure people wear clothes they can get dirty in.

Make the world a more beautiful place.Plant flowers either in the Ground or in a Pot for your home.

 -Ask Library or church if there is a plot of ground that you can plant items.
-Or plant food items at your own home in a plot of ground your parents approved.

-Have fun decorate clay pots
-Plant small flowers (Forget me nots, daisies etc)

- Cup of dirt
-- Chocolate pudding with smashed chocolate Oreos and gummy worms in a cup.
--For extra fun add candy flowers or other candy bugs.

-After planting your flowers or food items watch the movie "The Secret Garden"

-You could also do a lesson on "plant it and it shall grow" what you can do to make faith, idea, friendship etc grow.Need to Plant it (start it)  Nurture it, give it light, feed it etc.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Know What I Am Going to Do To Serve The Lord Today

Phineas And Ferb YSA Conference OR YC


- I know what were going to do today
--What will you do each day?
-- Read Scriptures, Prayer, Study
-- Be a friend and an Example of The Believers

-Agent Ps ( Not Perry)
-- P's that help us in our Lives. Maybe even secretly
--Parents= Teach and guide us. Secretly help our lives
--Priesthood= Helps us and blesses us
--Personal Progress = Helps YW grow, Young Men encourage Young Women to Complete their Personal Progress

-- Don't waste time busting family
-- BUST Satan!!!
-- If a friend is sinning or having a hard don't "bust" them but help them meet with their parents or bishop.

--Each day build people up
-- Make goals
--You don't have to make giant crazy things to have a good successful day. Just build people up and grow in the gospel.
-- Build your testimony each day

-"What Ya Doing?"
-- Reading My Scriptures
--Saying my prayers
-- Being Charitable etc

-"Yes Yes I am"
-- Are you Mormon?
-- Are you only allowed to date at 16?
-- Are you supposed to go to church on Sundays?
-- ETC when people ask who you are tell them be proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, Just like Phineas and Ferb are proud to be young and doing amazing things.

-Build for a service project
-Have an Agent P Lunch= All the food starts with P -- Pizza, Pineapple, Pie, Pickles, Punch(fruit) etc

-Use fun adapted ideas to work in real life from the tv show
-- Concert
--Dance etc

Have Fun

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Writers Night

Have A Publisher Come In and Teach What Makes A Book Worth Publishing. Also Have An Editor Come In and Teach How to Edit Own Work and Others. 

-Have people bring in their writings 
-Have friends read and slightly edit them 
-Have an open Discussion 

-Have people bring snacks 
-Provide drinks and paper products 

Back To School Party

Have one last party before school starts !!

Can do this for Summer or After Winter Break

-Have music 
-Have people bring favorite snacks 

-Have a table to make back to school kits and crafts (Supply items , If you need to ask adults to donate) 

---Duct tape wallets
---Art box 

-Survival kit bag ( pencil bag or make up pouch work well) 
-Decorate bag with permanent markers
-Add these following items 
---Life Savers 
---Lip Gloss or Chap Stick 
---Pocket Germ X
---Mini Lotion
---Mini Floss


Flip Flop Decorating

There are many ways to give your flip flops a make over

-Have people bring their own flip flops- You can also have dollar store flip flops to sell for $2 

-Have people donate the following (Have a donation box, collect for 2 weeks) 
--Fuzzy Yarn
--Plastic flowers of different sizes
--Fuzzy craft pom pom balls 
--Puff Paint 

-Have people make their flip flops UNIQUE 

- Fabric flip flops
--Cut fabric into 6 inch long strips  need same amount for each flip flop 
-- The wider the fabric the fluffier the flip flop looks 
--Tie the fabric with a double knot with fray on top 
--After all straps are covered fluff up fabric and wear 

-Fuzzy yarn - Turn flip flops into slippers
-- Use door to measure yarn want yarn to be as tall as door
-- Cut 
--Then tie one end to toe part of flip flop. 
-- Wrap the yarn continually around one strap then tie at end
-- Do the same with all four straps
-- fluff up yarn and wear your cute new slippers

-Plastic Flowers 
--For big flowers hot glue matching flowers to the top of the toe piece on each flip flop  
--For small flowers you can make a cute pattern or a crazy design all along the straps. 

-Fuzzy craft pompom balls
--Make fuzzy slippers by hot gluing or craft gluing pompoms all along the straps 

-Puff Paint
--Make fun designs on strap 
-- For a fun tickly sensation on your feet do big and small dots on where your foot goes

For all wet projects make sure everything completely dries before wearing flip flops. 

Hawaii Night

-Fake Tiki Torches
-Hawaii stuff

-Hawaiian Hay Stacks
-Coconut drink
-Fruit punch

-When people walk in have them receive a lei
-Hula dance class

** For extra fun ask people to wear Hawaiian Shirts.

Around The World

-Cultural Items 
--Chinese Lanterns

-Have people bring their favorite 
Non American food 
Have them bring 
-- Italian etc

*Have tables set up like a dinner theater 

-Watch Around The World In 80 Days (with Jackie Chan) 

Duct Tape Night

-Have food set up,
-- Ask people to bring favorite snacks.
-- Have drinks and paper products provided. 

-Have Craft tables set up

-Have people donate duct tape
--Have 2-3 weeks to collect (have a box for donations) 

-Have stations 
--At each table have person or instruction papers of how to make wallets, bracelets etc out of duct tape. 

--Turn this event into a fundraiser by asking people to pay $1 for each craft 
--And have plain duct tape- 
people can buy 
1 strip for a $1 each 
to duct tape a person to the wall.
--Bishop or Youth Group Leader
--Principal or Coach 