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Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Life" Our Time on Stage (Girls Camp)

Theme: "Life": Our time on stage 

Level themes
-Have leaders pick characters or titles from broadway shows for each level 


--Use this quote to start out 
"From the limited perspective of those who do not have knowledge, understanding, or faith in the Father’s plan—who look at the world only through the lens of mortality with its wars, violence, disease, and evil—this life can seem depressing, chaotic, unfair, and meaningless. Church leaders have compared this perspective with someone walking into the middle of a three-act play.3 Those without knowledge of the Father’s plan do not understand what happened in the first act, or the 
pre-mortal existence, and the purposes established there; nor do they understand the clarification and resolution that come in the third act, which is the glorious fulfillment of the Father’s plan."

The Songs they could not sing Quentin L Cook 

-Who is your audience
--everyone is watching
--who is cheering you on (Friends,other church members) 
-- Who is supporting you from the wings 
(Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Parents and Teachers. ) 

--Carrying the banner
--We carry our values
---- Craft make a Banner that has all the Value Colors 

Standing for 
Integrity and 
Kindness for 

Stand for
Truth and 
In company of 
Kindred or
(Be true at all times ) 

"Wicked"Ness Never was happiness
--How to be truly happy 
-- Find support in friends
-- Changed for good

"Into the woods "
--Have to face challenges 
--Stay on the path 
--"Excited and scared" (Sins might look exciting but they will always leave you sad) 

"Pride and Prejudice" 
-- How to not be prideful or judgmental 

"Fiddler on The Roof"
-- Tradition ! - What in the gospel never changes ?
-- Do family history work. 

"Mary Poppins"
--Spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down 
(Find blessings during trials) 

--"Love to laugh"- What brings joy into your life 

"Guys and Dolls"
--Sit Down your Rocking the Boat!" ( Keep the standards don't rock the boat) 

** Auditions 
-Our auditions were in the premortal. we proved ourselves worthy to "Act" in "Life" because we chose Heavenly Fathers Plan 

-- We do not live on a broad way we need to follow the Straight and Narrow 

** Talent
- We each are given wonderful individual talents. The Play "Life" needs each of these 

**Act your part 
-You are a daughter of God Act well, Give "Life" all you have act  YOUR   part ! 

--People in "Audience" might throw "Rotten Tomatoes" (insults etc) at you for being righteous. Just ignore it and go on with "Life" 

** The Spot Light 
--You have a light on you the "Light of Christ". Act well and let it shine! 


* Name in lights 
Items needed (One for each girl) 
-White computer paper
-Black Construction paper 
-sewing pin
-Small light 
-Small Frame 

-Have girls write names in All Caps on the white paper 
-Then tape on to construction paper
-Then poke small holes into the paper with the sewing pin following the letters 
-Take white paper off the black paper 
-Put the black paper into the frame
-Put the small light behind the frame 

*Head shots 
-Have wards take pictures of Head shots of the girls print them in black and white 
-Have girls decorate frames to put the head shots in 

*Play bill Journal 
-Items needed 
--3 subject note books 
--Other scrapbook tools to make book fun 

-Title on cover  "Life": Our time On Stage
-(Divider 1) Act I- Premortal life -- Scripture quotes / Spiritual Experiences
-(divider 2) Act II - Present - Journal every day journal 
-(Divider 3) Act III - Future- Goals and wishes you see for your future 


Play some fun acting games 

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