What This Blog Is All About

Welcome to Idea BOX
Here you will find all sorts of Ideas for Mormons or Anyone.
You will find stuff for YSA, Dances , YMYW, Girls Camp,RS, Hand Outs, Crafts, etc.
So Please have fun and explore the Idea BOX.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Church Olympics

Good for summer. Can be used for YSA or YMYW

*Do random games and give out awards

** Ideas
-Hula Hoop
-Basket ball shots
-Relay race
-Timed obstacle course
-Jump rope
-Tug of War
- Root beer chug
- etc

Disney Night

Fun and easy activity for any age group

-Make disney themed food
* Ideas
- mickey cookies
- Princess cupcakes
-Mickey mouse pop corn (have three bowls of popcorn one dyed red, one yellow, one black and mix all together)

*Activity ideas
-watch Disney movie
- Play Disney scene it
-or play Disney trivia

You could also use this for a dance

-Anything with Mickey Mouse symbol
-Anythig Disney

*Food same as above

-Casual black, yellow, red or Disney tshirt
-Fun costume (Halloween) dress like a Disney character

Snail Mail Night

Great for a fun and easy activity

-Have People bring light snacks
-have paper, envelopes, markers, pens, pictures,stamps etc provided

-Give time for everyone to write snail mail

Ideas of people to write to
-future spouse
-future self

-Have soft music playing in the background

Missionary Meal

Great for any age. Have people invite friends.

-Divide into 5 groups do planning before. Each group has a course they prepare together and serve
* Salad (Set Up tables and chairs)
* Soup (Welcome speakers and songs and prayers)
* Side/ Appetizer (make snacks and sides and center pieces)
* Main (Cook main meal only)
* Dessert (Clean up)

-Have missionaries and friends enjoy meal Together.

-After 5 course meal have a lesson given by Missionaries.

Dance and Dessert

Good for YSA or YMYW 14and up

-Have each person have a card for stamps or whole punch. For each dance get a stamp.

-Have dance lessons

-country line
-hip hop line dance

-Have dessert. People must have atleast one stamp to get dessert (this is a bribe for the guys)

Waffle Party

Easy activity can be used for any age

-Have waffles cooked (to keep warm put in Warmer)
-everyone bring their favorite waffle topping
-Set up a waffle bar
-have breakfast meat and paper products provided by leaders
-Have OJ, Milk and water for drinks

Can be used for a seminary activity and have the lesson be "Arise and Shine Forth"

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This is a fun easy activity for YSA or Young Women Personal Progress. 
-Make bagel pizzas (Or pizza from scratch?)  together (Have people bring fave toppings)
-Make easy dessert pies (No bake)
-While pizza bakes pop popcorn and get out popsicles
- While you snack listen to a talk about how Missionaries have P-days and how we can prepare for missionary work in our own life's.( Or do a lesson on Personal Progress) 

-After lesson eat pizzas and drink purple and pink pop together or sorbet floats  (and have other p foods)  

*Cookie day

Fun Easy Service Project can be used for any age group. 

-Make cookies together ( Have the easy cookie dough that is already made)
-Make cards while the cookies bake
-Wrap cookies on a plate tape cards on outside
-Deliver cookies to missionaries and less actives (Do a ding dong ditch or visit w/ them) 

Bread and Butter Apples to Apples

This activity is fun for YMYW or YSA 

-Make bread dough from scratch
 (Have people donate ingredients / Have four bowls for rising/ have small bread pans)
-while dough rises watch a movie or play games
-After dough rises bake bread
-While bread is baking Play Apples to Apples
-After bread is finished eat it while it is still warm :) 

Decorating Treats Night

Great for any age and any time of the year. Great for when you need a quick idea 

-Have cup cakes and sugar cookies already baked
-Have icing and other goodies set up at each table
-Everyone decorate
-Take pictures
- Give prize to best decoration
-Then have everyone chill and eat the creations
-Have fun music playing in the background during activity

Blankets and Songs Service Project

Great to do anytime of the year and for any age group

-Make tie blankets together at one activity
-At next activity deliver the blankets to a nursing home or children's hospital and sing hymns or primary songs.

This will really brighten their day and strengthen your testimony of service and the Love that Heavenly Father has for each of his children

Choices Carnival

Great activity for YMYW or YSA

-Give out tickets at beginning (each person same amount)
-Each fun station (basketball, card game etc) costs a ticket
- Each spiritual station (making scripture card, singing a church song etc) you earn a ticket
- Have a leader be " Angel of Death" and take people separately to a room
- After all people are in room seperate into 3different rooms. Each room costs a certain amount of tickets to enter (3 kingdoms)
-In each room have one speaker talk on choice and accountability
-at end have a closing speaker talk on the plan of salvation
-Have refreshments

Crazy Carnival

Can be used for anything

-Have everyone wear grubby clothes

*Activity ideas (all outside)
- water balloon volleyball
- tie dye station (have people provide own stuff to dye)
- blind folded make overs
- face painting
- toe painting poster (have paint and butcher paper on floor for people to paint with their toes)
- obstacle course
- crazy hair station (table with a lot of hair supplies)
- crazy clothes station (have bags of old donated clothes. Close eyes to pick out outfit.)

- Crazy Fashion show - at end of activity have everyone show off crazy hair, clothes and make up :)

-Have ice cream or floats for refreshments

Brunch and Class Day

For YSA or anyone
-Give out cards for stamps
-Have potluck brunch
-seperate into three groups
-Have three spiritual classes and three fun classes each 20min
-Have key and closing speakers each 10min
-Get stamp at each class (use for raffle and memory)
-At end have closing speaker, light snacks and stamp card raffle ticket winners announced.

Sisterhood Day

Great for YSA.RS and laurels combined

-$10 pay for food and two crafts

* Class Ideas
-world wide sisterhood
- Family History
-How to be the Best You
-Finding your "Prince"
-Dieter F Uchtdorf talk "Forget me not"

*Craft Ideas
-decorate pots and plant forget me nots
-Shirt bags (bags made out of t-shirts, have people provide their own shirts)
- Temple Time Capsule
-- letter to future self
-- letter to future husband
-- white cloth
-- fake white rose with purity poem
-- talk on forever families
-- poem about temples
-- Picture of Temple on Front of bin

Life Size Clue

Great for YSA or YMYW

-In gym tape a giant clue board on the floor
-seperate into teams
-make big cards
-Have one leader from each group be the character that moves
-have giant dice to roll
-Play clue
-At end what ever team has the right verdict gets candy bar
-Have refreshments

P.J.S Party

Fun for YW or YSA.RS

-Everyone comes in PJS
-Have each person bring a decoration or food item that starts with letter P , J or S.
-Dinner is pizza or PB&J
-watch a movie or have a talk on Prayer. Journal .& Scriptures.
Or do both

Mystery Dinner

Fun for YSA or YM YW

-Have a potluck dinner
-Have leaders assigned parts
- Have someone come in during dinner shouting "So and So has been kidnapped"

-Give out clues during dinner
-Person is found and the court has two suspects
-Have a trial ( have leaders be lawyers,judge and small jury and two accused)

-Which ever team makes the correct verdict at the "Trial" wins (Candy bar is the prize)
-Have dessert after trial

Dessert /Dating Game

Great for YSA or Priest and Laurel activity

-Have each girl bring an easy to share dessert. Divide into sample sizes
-Have each girl have small circle table
-Have the guys change tables every 15min to sample desserts and get a quick get to know you of the girl.
(Basically the traditional dating Game but with food)

Great for valentines day,

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sundaes, Floats and A Movie

Great for any activity

-Have leaders provide paper products
-have people bring favorite ice cream or toppings
-Have some assigned to bring gallon ice cream, gallon sorbet or sodas
-Have everyone make their own float or sundae then watch a movie together

This is an easy activity to do in the summer :)

Blind Fold Day

Have 10 activities to do while blind folded

Before the activity starts hand out blind folds and have people personalize their own. Can get sleeping masks or black fabric. Have people write their name and what ever else they want on it. Split into groups have one leader for each group.

Activity Ideas

-obstacle course
-Guess Who (have one person stand in front of the blind folded person. The tester feels the face of the other person and tries to guess who it is.)

-Senses Stations
* What's that? Have 5 things to touch for tester to touch and guess what it is

* do you know the sound? ( Have a cd,tape or iPod with recorded sounds have an assistant push play and record testers guesses)

*smell and taste
( have three assistants. First gives tester food. Second holds scent to testers nose. Third records the guesses of the tester. Examples eat apples while smelling onion powder tester believes apple is an onion. Or eat skittle while smelling mint tester will believe it is a chewy peppermint. Etc just keep your mind open and test before you do the food and scent at the activity.)

-Colring table (have crayons set up in buckets. Have entire table covered with butcher paper. Let people color while blind folded. Replace paper for each group.

-cookie decorating give each person a cookie on a plate. Have frosting, sprinkles etc in bowls.
Have people decorate cookie while blind folded. Then have people eat creations(if they want to)

-pin the tie on the missionary (make a poster of face and torso of missionary have ties to tape on or missionary tags or both :) )

-Eat lunch or dinner with everyone blind folded except waiters. Being blindfolded intensifies the taste of the food :)

-EXTRA At end have someone speak on being blind to temptation and how to open our eyes and hearts to the Holy Ghost.

Ok that's all hope it all makes sense if not please comment :) if you like the idea please comment :)

The Idea BOX

Welcome to the Idea BOX ( Hey I am Tayla And I Am A Mormon)

Here you will find ideas for

-Activities (that can be used for almost anything)
-Girls Camp
-YSA (Young Single Adult)
-RS (Relief Society)
-YW and YM ( Young Women and Young Men)

I hope you enjoy this blog and will add comments Or your own ideas :)