What This Blog Is All About

Welcome to Idea BOX
Here you will find all sorts of Ideas for Mormons or Anyone.
You will find stuff for YSA, Dances , YMYW, Girls Camp,RS, Hand Outs, Crafts, etc.
So Please have fun and explore the Idea BOX.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cupcake Tin Crayons

Fun for anyone. Can be made as a simple service project for nursery or other child care. Also good for reusing lesson.

*items needed
-broken peeled crayons
-cupcake tin
-cooking spray
-wax paper

*To do
-spray cupcake tin with cooking spray
-place peeled and broken crayons into the cupcake tin
-melt in oven at 275 for 4min
-take out and stir place back in oven for 3 more minutes
-place in freezer till hard about 5min
-pop out new crayons unto wax paper. Tap on back to get them out

You now have new fat crayons for little kids, made from old broken crayons :) you have reused and helped kids

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Table Cloth Pillows

Make for Activity days or make in YW or YSA for Service

Items needed

  • two 24in squares cut from Vinyl Table Cloth 
  • Stuffing or pillow 
  • Tack Glue or Strong Glue 
  • Clothespins 

*Glue three sides of the fabric, use clothespin to hold it together 
*Let dry 
*After dried slide in pillow or stuff with stuffing 
*Glue final side 
*Let dry 

Great for picnics etc 
Water prof 

Book Of Mormon Stories Night

Can use this activity for Faith Experience for YW or For Activity Days for "Living and Learning the Gospel"

-Opening Song = "Book of Mormon Stories"
-Each girl tells a faith story from the book of Mormon ( Tell the girls to prepare for activity the week before)
And Shares testimony of Savior

-Closing Song - "Nephi's Courage"

General Conference Night For Activity Days

-Have girls look at the General Conference Ensign (do this a month after conference if available)

-Give journal time for girls to write about what they can do to follow the prophet

-Pass of in Faith In God book "Learning and Living the Gospel"

Craft Buckets

Have a little basket or bucket

Fill it with


Make a collage together

*You can use pictures of

  • Church stuff
  • Family 
  • Activities
  • friends 
  • etc 

Fabric Flip Flops

Good for Girls Camp , YW, YSARS, Activity Days

-Have plastic flip flops (Have people bring their own)
-Cut Strips of fabric (1 inch wide and 6 inches long)
-Tie fabric around flip flop straps
-Fluff up fabric

Cute slippers at the end

YW Time Capsule for Activity Day Girls

*Decorate a Box

Fill Box with

*Personal Progress Books
*Letter To Self
*Value Banner
*Faith Bear
*Value Bracelet

any extra YW items you can think of

Patch Quilt

Good For Activity Days (Or you can change some to fit for YW)

Get Patches for Accomplishments/ Extras

*Read Book Of Mormon
*Each Activity you go to
*CTR ( Random colors - Given when parents tell leaders of something good their child has done)
*Name Patch (patch with name embroidered into it)
*Hand print patch (Patch with their hand print painted on it)
*One patch for every time you go to church
*Baptism Patch (White patch with date of baptism)
*Temple Patch( Patch with favorite temple)
*CTR Shield Patch
*Primary Color Patches (One Red, One Yellow, One Blue)

Letter Night

Write Thank you Letters/ Write about appreciation and respect for one of the following

  • Friends 
  • Parents 
  • Teachers
  • Grand Parents 
  • etc
Activity Days can pass off "Serving Others" experience

Good Samaritan Activity

-Read Samaritan Parable Together (Luke 10:30-37)

-Do a service project


  • Trash Pick up 
  • Help a Family 
  • Cookies to Neighbor
  • etc 
-Journal "How has serving helped your faith grow stronger?"

-Activity days can pass off "Serving Others"

-YW can pass off Good Works Experience

-YM or Scouts Can pass of Duty To God Or Faith In God

Scrap Book Party

This is a fun activity for Activity Days, YW, YSARS, RS

-Make Cute Invites 
-Have A lot of tables set up 
-Have people bring supplies and pictures 
-Have extra supplies (glue, fun scissors, stickers, colored papers etc) 
-have a snack table and chairs AWAY from the scrap booking tables 

extra note go to www.familyfun.go.com for ten tips for a scrapbook party "Come Scrap With Me"


"The Hero With In" GIRLS CAMP

Theme- "The Hero With In"

Years - Each Year is a Super Hero
Leaders -Elestagirl (From incredibles)

Devotional Ideas
*You are who you choose to be (From iron Giant)
*You have the POWER to choose
*The Young Women Values give you STRENGTH 
* Scripture POWER  (Primary Song)
*Learn and use the POWER OF PRAYER
*Strength in numbers (Unify against enemy)
*Greatest enemy- Satan- Fight Him Each Day
*Super Suit= Full armor of God
*Who are you? - Daughter of God
*Whose on your "Team" (Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Leaders, Parents, Good Friends etc)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Color or Letter Activities

A Really easy thing to do for any activity is to choose a theme with a color or letter.


  •  bring foods that start with the letter P (Popcorn, Pizza, Pie etc) 
  • Or Wear anything that is Blue etc.  
  • Or Bring any food that is the color yellow etc

Its really simple and easy and can be fun.


  • Black sheets with neon paint (Hang on walls)
  • colored Christmas lights
  • glow necklaces
  • Black Lights
  • Neon posters cut out in shapes etc 
  • Any food with cool colors 
  • Lifesaver mints (Put in neon bowl under black light cool effect) 
  • Put snacks in neon color bowls 
  • Dye foods to have cool neon colors 
  • Have people wear black, neon, or white shirts and black pants 
  • Have people donate black lights, glow sticks, etc for decorations 
  • Have a booth to decorate shirts with neon puff paint (have people bring own black shirts, also have blow dryers to make drying faster)  



--Can be for YSARS or YW
--If for YW Can pass off as Knowledge or Individual worth project

--Have pants and pillow patterns already cut out
-- Have girls bring fabric (Have pillows and pants match) or buy a lot of the same fabric and each girl pay $2

-- Have people bring sewing machines (Ask RS sisters to donate some)
-- Have 2-3 nights to sew and talk together
-- After pillows and pj pants are finished have a movie night and ice cream social where everyone wears their pants and brings their pillows.

--Have girls bring their creations to Girls Camp 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sock Hop Dance

-Any 50s style
-Fun Old Pictures
-Elvis etc

-Candy Stand
-Root Beer Float Stand
-"Old Fashioned" Candy

-50s songs randomly through dance
-"At The Hop"

-50s clothes

-Have people donate new socks and toys to go with the theme "Sock Hop"
have the donations go in a cute basket. Donate to an Orphanage, homeless shelter etc.

Dance "Dont Worry Be Happy"

-Smileys everywhere 

-Smiley Fruit Snacks 
-Gold Fish 
-Anything yellow 
-Yellow Shirts 
-(Smiley shirts?) 
*Dance / Songs 
-"Dont Worry Be Happy" make a line dance for this song and teach it at the dance 

YSA Conference Class ideas

Class Ideas for YSA Conference (Can be Used For Youth Conference as well if modified to fit age group)

E- Separate classes have one for each gender
M- Mens Only Class
W-Womens only class
B- Have Class Together

*Classes and Lessons

--Faith and Hope (B)

-Becoming "The Right One" (E)

--College Skills(B)
--- Cooking (Easy Recipes)
--- Sewing
--- Cleaning tips (How to organize etc)
---Note taking skills

--Personal Finance (B)
---learn how to avoid dept
---Set up a budget
---Tips on using a register

--Modesty and Body Type (W)

--Clean Look (M) 

--Armor Of God (B)
---Putting on full armor of God
---We are in a spiritual battle/ war
---Never put your guard down

**Health Classes (Look at idea "Health Day" for other Ideas)
-Mental (B)
-Spiritual (B)
-Emotional (E)

--Divine Heritage (E)
--Recording Life (B)
---Journal Writing etc

--What Guys Wish Girls Knew And Visa Versa
--- Have two bowls with questions (one pink - questions from guys to the girls, one blue- questions from the girls to the guys)
---Listen to the talk by Curtis Jacobs
---Have an extra bowl for extra questions to the Branch Presidency or Bishopric

You can add more classes these are just a few ideas

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sisterhood Banner

Good for YW, YSARS, or RS

-Have each person decorate a piece of fabric 4" by 4"
-Sew patches together
-Sew white fabric on top, fold and see to make a slot for the pole
-Slide pole into slot and add ribon
-Hang up banner

(you could also do this as a girls camp craft and have each patch have their hand print painted on it)

"Primary Color" Dance

-anything red,yellow or Blue (balloons, streamers, cloth etc)

-Any drink or food that is red, yellow or blue
Ex red punch, blue berry-strawberry-pineapple fruit salad, etc
-Any candy with red,yellow or blue wrappers ex Dove Chocolate, lemon-cherry-blu raspberry Dum Dums or air heads

-Causal anything Red,Yellow or Blue

"Our Time On Earth" Girls Camp

Theme "Our Time On Earth"

Level themes

1st- 50s (Elvis, Grease, poodle skirts etc)
2nd- 60s(peace signs, tie dye etc)
3rd- 70s (disco, sparkles etc)
4th - 80s (neon, michael Jackson, techno, big hair etc)
YCLS- Futuristic (robots, techno,sci fi, etc)
Leaders- 40s ( WWII, black and white movies etc)


-Family History
--what it is
-- the importance

-"Travel In Time"
--Pioneer stories (past)
-- recent YW Conference talk (present)
--Write down goals an dreams (Future)

-Learn about "Moms" and Moms Time
--have camp mom tell spiritual stories of their past
--Have moms send letters to daughter (have moms write about their daughters life and how they have seen them grow. Also have them write their testimony)

-"Making History"
--What will you be "Remembered" for
--Write in journal what you want people to say you have accomplished

-"Past Present and Future"
--"Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift that is why it is called the present" (have this on a card with tiny gift sticker)

--journal writing is important to remember the past
--Present (What are you Doingnwith yor time each day?)
--future(Goals, give time for each girl to write a letter to her future self. Have each ward have a box. Put letters in time box. Do not open till the next year on the Sunday before girls camp)

-Moments that matter most
--Exerpt of talk "Things That Matter Most".

-Make and keep goals
--Talk about the format of setting goals

-Wasting time VS Spending time
--What do you do with each day?

-Make Time For The Templ
--Go to every temple trip you can

*Craft Ideas
-Modge Podge Journal
-Temple Time Capsules
-Watch Bracelets (extra $5)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sports Night Dance

-have parts of the room decorated like different sports ( posters of foot ball field goal, soccer net, small b-ball hoop etc)

-Have posters of teams
-Have sport flags etc

-Snacks shaped like balls
-Foot ball food (nachos etc)
-Health drinks (Gatorade,protein shakes etc)

-Jerseys etc

Monday, March 5, 2012

Brunch on the beach (Watch sunrise optional)

Good For Double Date or YSA or Priest and Laurel

-Have everyone come together early (4 or 5 am if you want to see the Sunrise)  and eat a light breakfast (scrambled eggs on toast and milk or something else small)

-Pack up some fun easy breakfast/lunch food.
(Doughnuts, french toast sticks, Yogurt, bagels, trail mix, cheese sticks, orange juice, bottled water etc)

-Car pool to the beach

-Play simple games (Watch Sunrise)

-Have someone bring battery powered iPod adapter (or CD player) have a dance on the beach


*War Heads -- We are at a Spiritual WAR. Fight Valiantly against the SOUR temptations of Satan

*Sweet Tarts
--Be a SWEET tart(crossed out) HEART to all.
--Though TRIALS might be TART Remember the SWEET blessings that lay at the end

--(Add fishing hook) Don't get HOOKED  on one of Satans WHOPPERS.

Service Chain

Good for any age group

-Have strips of paper and pens in a basket
-Each Sunday have people write down each service they that past week on a piece of paper
-At the end of the year connect all the paper to make a chain see how far it goes

This is a good visual and incentive to do simple services each week.



Each Year is A type of Car from Pixar "Cars"

1st- Guido (little blue car)

2nd- Luigi (Yellow Car)

3rd- Ramón (Cool car that has all the paint jobs)

4th- Flo (Girl who helps everyone -Married to Ramón)

YCLs - Mater (Tow Truck)

Leaders - Sally (Blue Porsche)

Priesthood- Lightning McQueen (Red Race Car)


--Holy Ghost is the one who keeps us on the path

--How Fast Are you going in life?

--Speed Limits - Are you following the laws of Safety (Chastity) or are you getting tickets (Consequences)
--Sometimes take the back road and slow down and listen to the earth and the Spirit

--When temptation is in the road STEP ON THE BRAKE Never go into temptation or satans traps.

-Review Mirrors
--Keep a Journal
--Do Family History Work
--After repentance a sin in your past will become a fuzzy dot in your review mirror.

--Card board car race (People stand in card board cars and run for race)
--Pine Wood Derby
--Watch the Movie Cars for an IceCream movie social

--Decorate a car
--Decorate a Journal (Add mirror on front cover to go with Devotional)
--Make a pillow that looks like a car (link for tutorial


Items Needed
-Small circle pillow (Or Fabric and stuffing to make one)
-Gallon Bucket with top
-Contact paper
-Hot Glue Gun
-Paint, Permanent Markers etc
-Thick Ribbon

-Cover pillow (or made pillow) with contact paper.
-Hot glue the pillow to the top of the bucket (Do not put glue on seams of top or it will not go back on bucket) Check that the top still fits well.

-Decorate the outside of the bucket( Name and Ward, crazy art, stickers etc) (DO NOT put year or level because you can use this year after year)

-Use the inside of the Kaboodle to hold camp manual, song book, bug spray(in Ziploc bag) Snacks, (in Ziploc bag) etc

- Use the top of the Kaboodle as a cool decorated camp chair 

Girls Camp Banner

Girls Camp Banner

-Have girls decorate a 8x10(Size of copy paper) Piece of fabric
-Fold one inch over and sew to make a hole for the post to go through so the banner can hang up.

-Holds pins, ribbons etc
-Has Name, Year and Theme on top
-Make one each year
-Attach a post and ribbon to hang up
-Color of the banner is the year group color

Girls Camp Idea "The Few The Proud The Mormons"

Theme "The Few The Proud The Mormons" (After the few the proud the marines) 

Each Year Group would be a Rank  In the Military 


-Air Force
            --Read John Bytheway Talk "First Flight"

            -- How to survive a sinking world. You are not alone.

            --Building Our Own Testimonies
            --How to build it
            --How to be spiritually strong
            --Hide from satan

-Armor and Shields
            --Full Armor Of God

            -- We are at war with satan and his followers
            --We must fight this spiritual battle
            --We Must stand Strong against the enemy

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dancing Around The World

-Set up different decorations to look like different countries

-Have a pot luck of food around the world


Dancing on Air

-make the inside look like an air port
-Have a "Modest Detector" (looks like a metal detector)
-Have air plane symbols on wall

-have air plane snacks (cookies,pretzels, peanuts,little sodas etc)

--- Or for fun have a tacky tourist contest :)

Hand Outs To Do With "EXTRA" GUM

One Stick -- "Stick Close To Heavenly Father"

One Small Pack
- "You are EXTRA Special"
-" Make an EXTRA Effort to always CHEWS THE RIGHT"
-"Never POP SOMEONES EXCITEMENT BUBBLE, Always make them Feel Like they are EXTRA SPECIAL"

-"POP Satans bubble Make an EXTRA effort to avoid Temptations"

-(mint flavor) "This generation is EXTRA important You Were MINT to be on the earth at this time"

The Lehi Dream Project

I will post details for this after My YSA Has done the activity.
I do not want to post details so it will be a surprise when and if we do it.

* Cartoon Dance

** Decorations
-Crazy colors (balloons, streamers etc)
-Any Cartoon Posters or Small Pictures

** Food
-Anything with a cartoon Character on it (Ex Dora Explorer fruit snacks, Phineas and Ferb Cereal , Flintstones pebbles etc)

-If available play theme songs of cartoons randomly during the dance

-Have people where clothes similar to their Favorite Cartoon Character.
Ex Dora Explorer= Pink Shirt, Shorts, Purple Back Pack and tennis shoes
Ex Phineas = Orange Striped shirt, Jean  shorts, Tennis shoes

-For people who are dressed up have them put on "Hi My Name is_________" Tags and have them fill in their characters name

*Black and White TV Dance

-black and white (balloons, streamers, lights etc)
-Old TV Posters (Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Jackson 5 etc)

-Snacks with old fashioned in the title (Taffy, sweet candy etc)
-Popcorn with chocolate
-Marbled marshmallows
-Any snacks that are black or white or both
-Root Beer Floats

-Old 50s
-Old black and white tv theme songs (ex Adams family, I love Lucy, Twilight zone etc)

-Girls Anything black and white
-Guys nice black pants, white shirt and black tie or black shirt white tie 

Friday, March 2, 2012

GAME DAY (Dating Age Only)

Play random dating games

-Kissing Rugby
-Pretzel Arm Game
- Do You Love Your Neighbor
- I have never...
- Card Kiss Game
(Set up a line guy girl pattern. Have to pass a card between the mouth with hands behind the back. Suck to bring it to you blow the card to pass it to the next person)

-Life Saver Game
(Have guy girl pattern line. Each person has tooth pick in mouth. Pass life saver to end of line by the tooth picks. Keep arms behind back)

-Spoons Card Game 


-Fun random activity to do in the summer
-Everything outside, wear grubbies - Bring change of clothes

**Extra if you do extra activity have people wear swimsuit under grubbies and bring towels and change of clothes 

** Activities

- Watermelon toss ( See how far you can throw a very ripe watermelon watch it explode)

-Whip Cream fight (Have cans of whip cream have a battle)

- Spaghetti toe fishing( Have kiddy pool filled up with spaghetti and fake bugs. Have people fish out fake bugs with toes :P )

- Water balloon fight do Guys VS Girls

-Paint something for a service project before activity.


Have this activity in a neighborhood or house that has a pool. Have people wear swimsuit under paint clothes. Then after messy day have people hose off and take off paint clothes and jump in pool with their swimsuits. 

Then after swimming change into casual clothes and go home 

Have Fun ! 

Faux Flea Market

Fundraiser Idea 

-Have people from wards or any friends donate stuff they dont use

- Clothes
- Knick Knack
- Guy Stuff
- Toy Table
- Jewelry and Misc
-Bake Sale

-Set up Gym or outside to look like a flea market

-Sell items and use Money for Girls Camp, Scout Camp or YSA what ever.

Couples dinner "Re-spark the Romance"

Fundraiser Idea 

-Have in cultural hall

- $4 per ticket 

- $1 for dessert

-$3-$5 (if you have more than 2 children it is $5)  for babysitting in the RS room

-Have YSA or Youth be servers, chefs, and babysitters

-Invite all Bishopric and their wives from each ward of the Stake

-Have cultural hall decorated like a nice restaurant with a red and stars theme
(use Christmas Lights ?)

-Have cute invites made to send out :) 

Bar B Q and Car Wash day (Do in summer)

Fundraiser Idea can be used for any age group.

-$5 for car wash

- $3 meal = Hamburger or Hotdog + Chip+ Drink + Fruit snack

- Have bake sale by the bar-b-q  everything .50cents 

One mans junk other mans treasure Sale

Can be used for any age group, Girls Camp, Scout Camp or YSA Fundraiser 

-Have all students bring at least one item to sell

-Also ask people to donate items

-Set up item sale and also bake sale inside.

Health Night

Good for Youth Conference or YSA Conference 

-Split into groups (4) then genders split at end for other 2 classes
            -Nourish body (Word of Wisdom)
            -Nourish Spirit
            -Emotional Health
            -Mental Health (Knowledge/ job & college tips)
(Split genders have one class for each gender)
            -Healthy relationships
            -Personal Health Girls
             (Daughters of God inner and outer beauty tips, modesty and body type)
            -Personal Health Guys
             (Exercise, respect towards body, Sons of God)

Can collecting

Good for thanksgiving or any time. Good for any age.

-Split into teams
-Go to Neighborhoods and ask for 1can donation  
-Meet back at ward - play games
-have root bear or sherbet floats 
-Donate the cans to a shelter 

Tie Dye Day

Can Be used for any age group. Have people invite many friends

-Tell everyone to wear grungy clothes and bring a towel
Optional extra-- bring a casual outfit for dinner

-Have everyone bring something they want to tie dye (White shirts or even white laces)
-Or bring a shirt that has a bleach mark and do color removing
(Tie shirts and dip in bleach has cool effect)

-Have buckets of dye with color tags

-Have two buckets of bleach

-Have everyone dye their items and then put in a trash bag with name tag

-Then wash hands and play water balloon volley ball and other silly water games

You can go home after this or you can have dinner together 

-dry off and change and get ready for dinner

-Then have dinner with dyed foods
(Like blue spaghetti, and sprinkles cake etc/ Make rainbow bread)

Potluck Brunch

Great for Seminary or Institute 

-Everyone brings their fave breakfast item
(Doughnuts, eggs, bacon, cereal etc/ Have leaders provide drinks and paper products)

-Set up then eat together

-Have a lesson on either "Raise up Men of God" or "Early to bed Early to Rise... Wise"

-Have some fun simple get to know you games

Scavenger Hunt Bar-B-Q

Fun For Any Age Group 

-Have clues with scriptures quotes

-Hide specific things you need for a bar-b-q (Except meat leaders cook it during hunt)

-Have teams go Hunt for the items around the church .

-Example of a clue "Christ is the bread and __________ Of life" find the item by the water fountain.

-Another clue idea is have a Scripture mastery and the Chapter or Verse # is the # of the class room that the item is hidden in.

-After everyone finds the items (ketchup, mustard, salad, Drinks, plates, cups etc)
Come together and eat :) and have fun 

Our Happily Ever After (Girls Camp theme etc)

This is a long post but it has many pieces for a Girls Camp Theme

"Our Happily Ever After"

Level Colors & Characters

*1= Purple - Rapunzel ( New in the world)

*2= Orange- Gisele ( Exploring New World)

*3= Pink- Aurora ( Still exploring)

*4=Green- Tiana ( Almost Daters)

*YCL= Blue- Cinderella (Workers)

*Camp Moms and Leaders =White or Red - Belle

*Priesthood= Brown- Beast

Decoration Ideas 
- Make posters or have cut outs of
--Frog prince


"Daughter of A King" Wooden Plaques

"Castle" Frames ( Decorate frames then put a picture of temple inside)

"Princess in Training" T-shirts

Rapunzel Lanterns

Bracelet Idea - Get At R&Rs receive charm for bracelet, at devotionals receive big bead, activities receive small bead. At the end of camp receive a clamp to connect and finish bracelet.

Title Ideas

*Do not kiss frogs

*Uchtodorf "Happily Ever After" = Opening Talk

*Modest and Beautiful Princess

*"Golden Heart is Crowning Glory" (Princess Diaries Song) -(Attached)

*Temple is a castle of the Lord (Faith)

* Don't Judge a beast by his fur

* The world Heavenly Father Created is better than any Fairy Tale Land

*You are Divine and Royal by birth (Divine Nature)

*You are an Individual daughter of God full of worth (Individual Worth)

*Virtue better than jewels and Castles (Virtue)

*Value your YW values

*Your "Prince Charming" is out there. Be the BEST You! (Choice and Accountability)

*Be loyal to royal with in (Integrity)

*Truly Know who You Truly Are (Knowledge)

*Serve all those In Heavenly Fathers Kingdom (Earth) - (Good Works)
( Idea to have each year teach a night devotional that goes with their theme)

Rapunzel= The world is a new and exciting place, be careful how you explore it. Look toward the light, and become your own light. (Can fit 2 devotionals from this one story)

Giselle= The world Heavenly Father Created is better than any fairy tale. Be in the world but not of the world. (Can separate into 2 lessons.)

Aurora= Do not sleep your life away. Arise and Shine Forth

Tiana= Do not go around kissing frogs. Save your kisses for the true prince.

Cinderella= Hard Work and Faith Help you in life. "We Can Do It,  HE Will Help."

Belle= Be kind do not judge

Beast= Priesthood leaders- Strong and have gentle hearts, and are worthy. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Date- ABC Scavenger Hunt

Fun for double or tripple date

- Need camera or camera phone

-Go to a big mall

-Take pictures of something that starts with each letter of the alphabet. No cheating have to go in order of A-Z

-Get snack at mall

-Go to someones house and download pictures, have someone not part of the date be the judge of the best pictures. Whoever wins gets a small prize.

Fireside by the fireside

Good for any age

-make hobo dinners together

-Make S'mores

-Have a speaker

*topic ideas
-Divine Heritage
-Power of Prayer
-Missionary work
-Pioneer history

Knowledge Handout

Handout can be given after a lesson about knowledge of for YW value

-Small Box of Nerd Candy "Be a NERD and learn!"

-Gummy Worms and Journal "Be a BOOK WORM"

-Small Airhead, Dum Dum and smarties "Don't be an AIRHEAD OR DUM DUM be a SMARTIE and learn in thy youth"

Word of Wisdom Hand Out

A fun hand out to go with a lesson about the word of wisdom. Put items in a lunch sack that's decorated

-Slim Jim "Eat Meat Sparingly"

- Bone Candy "if you follow the Word Of Wisdom you shall have health in your navel and marrow in your bones"

-Fruit snacks "Eat fruits, vegetables and grains. For all of these things are given by God"

-coffee bean with an X "Do not drink coffee or tea"

-Root Beer "Never partake of real beer but enjoy this soda"

Modesty Fashion Show

This would be fun for YW or YSA.RS

For young womens it can be used for Choice and Accountability or Integrity

-Have girls bring modest outfits
-Have them walk the "Runway" (Stage or whatever you have)
-Have an MC talk about what each girl is wearing

Can maybe be used as a fundraiser if you sell tickets and have dinner

Individual Worth Talent Show

This is for YW can be passed off as experience

-Have a talent show and dinner
-For girls who have a talent in art have them display their work as decoration
-For girls who love to cook have them help with dinner
-For girls that like to bake have them have a bake sale
-Other girls with stage talents (dance,sing , instruments etc) have them be the talent show/ entertainment for the dinner

-This can be a fundraiser if you sell tickets for the dinner and a show

Personal Progress Names

This is obviously for YW

-Have each girl Choose a women from history or the scriptures
-Put their chosen name on a chart to record what they have finished in personal progress

Love Pockets

Great for YW or YSA.RS or RS

-Each person decorates a 4x4 piece of fabric with their name etc
-Sew on to banner to make a pouch
-Put pouches for less active girls even if they are not there for the activity
-Pouches are for people to put notes or even candy in to show their friends how much they love them.

-For less actives have the leaders or some women take them their gifts

This is great to have a feeling of love and sisterhood