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Monday, March 5, 2012


Items Needed
-Small circle pillow (Or Fabric and stuffing to make one)
-Gallon Bucket with top
-Contact paper
-Hot Glue Gun
-Paint, Permanent Markers etc
-Thick Ribbon

-Cover pillow (or made pillow) with contact paper.
-Hot glue the pillow to the top of the bucket (Do not put glue on seams of top or it will not go back on bucket) Check that the top still fits well.

-Decorate the outside of the bucket( Name and Ward, crazy art, stickers etc) (DO NOT put year or level because you can use this year after year)

-Use the inside of the Kaboodle to hold camp manual, song book, bug spray(in Ziploc bag) Snacks, (in Ziploc bag) etc

- Use the top of the Kaboodle as a cool decorated camp chair 


  1. The ribbon is to decorate the handle of the bucket.

    You can also add a nice ribbon edge to the seat, just make sure the top can still close.

  2. You can also take foam and measure it to fit the top and cover it with fabric and contact paper and glue it to the top to make a seat.
