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Welcome to Idea BOX
Here you will find all sorts of Ideas for Mormons or Anyone.
You will find stuff for YSA, Dances , YMYW, Girls Camp,RS, Hand Outs, Crafts, etc.
So Please have fun and explore the Idea BOX.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

YSA Conference or YC "All World--We're In His Good Hands"

YSA Conference or YC
 "All World--We're In His Good Hands" 

(From Allstate 'are you in good hands?') 

Scripture for theme 1Nephi 21:15-16 

...Yea, they maycforget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel.

16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the apalms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

--Trust activities with hands - Fall catch- team relay etc 
--Learn sign language song- "I am a Child Of God"
--Make Playdough for kids 
--Make bread together break up into teams and have each person take turn Kneading dough
--Service Project -- Make kits for kids in Hospitals or Make tie blankets for Army  etc 

--Allstate logo with Allworld 

--Are WE good hands ? -- Do we serve Christ by serving others?
 (Extra Listen To "You Are My Hands" By Elder Uchtdorf)

--All World-- Christ and Heavenly Father love all the world

--We're in His Hands-- God has a plan for us and we need to learn to accept His will and know that He loves us and wants the best for us.

--Mortal Life Insurance -- Need to pay for it. Tithing, Covenants, Keeping Commandments We must be righteous and be working with faith to receive earthly blessings

--Eternal Life Insurance-- Christ has paid the price for all. We must show gratitude for this amazing gift by showing love to others and keeping the Commandments.
( Extra  Listen to "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox) 

Logo Idea To put on shirts 

Monday, March 25, 2013

"Music Matters" Dance

Have a dance with the theme of MUSIC 

--Fake Giant Instruments 
--Big Music Notes 
--Band Posters 

--Find foods that songs talk about (here is a link for the Songs with food in the title)  http://www.songfacts.com/category-songs_with_food_in_the_title.php

-- Or Just have random snacks 


EXTRA-- Have people dressed up as different singers 
(Keep it modest!!!--No Brittney Spears allowed)

Trip To "Hawaii" Date

Go To "Hawaii" for a date 

To invite your date send them a letter with a 
"Ticket to Hawaii" 

At the date 

--Give everyone a Lei 
--Eat Hawaiian Haystacks for Dinner 
--Watch Lilo And Stitch or other Hawaiian movie 

Have other fun Hawaiian themed items or activities at date (Hula Hoop, Pineapples, Fire Pit, Hula dancing etc) 

YW or RS Activity Mind, Body, Heart and Soul

Have a Mind, Body, Heart and Soul Hang Out 

Have an activity for each 

MIND-- Play cranium or other fun mind games (Balderdash, Scattegories etc) 

BODY-- Have snacks and do a mini spa (manicures and masks and hair braided) 

HEART-- Share funny romance stories or watch a fun Romantic chick flick or Share why you love each person

SOUL -- Share spiritual experiences and testimonies 

Then end the night. 

EXTRA -- You can make this a sleep over and spend more time with each activity 

-- For extra fun make little gift bags that have 
--Mind- A short book 
--Body-- Lotion and lipgloss
--Heart-- Heart candy 
--Soul-- A spiritual quote with a Christ Picture


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Create A Family Home Evening Jar 

Items Needed 

-- Jar with top 
-- Ribbon 
-- other decorating items 

--Slips of paper to fill out - Song, Lesson, and activity 


--Decorate Jar
-- Fill out slips of paper 
-- Put FHE Papers in Jar 

--When you have a busy Monday night Pick a FHE Paper from the jar to have a fun easy FHE. 

Mission Possible Fireside

Have A Fireside with the Mission Impossible themesong

  • Have 3 speakers 
  • First speaker talk on the Missions we each have individually 
  • second speaker talk on A Mission Call 
  • Third Speaker talks on Patriarchal Blessings how they are our Instructions that never self destruct if we are faithful. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Child's Prayer Song idea

Do  a special performance in 

Sacrament Meeting Sing the Song "A Childs Prayer"

Have children sing the first verse 

and then teachers and parents sing the second verse. 

C Night

Have A C Night 
Listen to the talk Isiah National Forrest by John Bytheway. It talks about the Cs that Isiah teaches about. 
Eat food that starts with C -Cookies -Chocolate-Caramel-Caffeine FREE Drinks etc